2024-09-29 06:18:08
中国香港 2ms
广西梧州电信 218ms
湖北武汉电信 33ms
广西梧州电信 218ms
广东广州移动 17ms
河北承德移动 65ms
黑龙江哈尔滨联通 20ms
广东佛山联通 214ms
福建泉州移动 33ms
福建厦门电信 134ms
广东广州移动 17ms
广西梧州电信 218ms
湖南长沙移动 29ms
河南郑州联通. 88ms
天津联通 34ms
北京联通 193ms
云南昆明移动 38ms
贵州贵阳电信 138ms
宁夏银川联通 38ms
甘肃兰州电信 159ms
黑龙江哈尔滨联通 20ms
黑龙江哈尔滨电信 76ms
中国香港 2ms
台湾台北市 52ms


检测点 响应IP IP位置 响应时间
移动 上海 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 34ms
移动 湖南长沙 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 29ms
移动 广东广州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 17ms
移动 江苏苏州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 36ms
移动 云南昆明 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 38ms
移动 贵州贵阳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 38ms
移动 陕西西安 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 64ms
移动 呼和浩特 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 64ms
移动 四川成都 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 65ms
移动 河北. 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 50ms
移动 辽宁沈阳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 64ms
移动 江苏南京 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 41ms
移动 山东济南 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 46ms
移动 重庆 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 45ms
移动 北京 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 49ms
移动 湖北武汉 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 51ms
移动 广东深圳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 23ms
移动 内蒙古 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 63ms
移动 安徽淮南 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 46ms
移动 河北承德 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 65ms
移动 辽宁大连 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 63ms
移动 福建泉州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 33ms
移动 广东佛山 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 38ms
移动 广东佛山 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 63ms
移动 湖北黄冈 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 53ms
电信 湖北武汉 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 33ms
电信 安徽芜湖 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 54ms
电信 湖南长沙 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 51ms
电信 海南海口 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 45ms
电信 福建福州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 59ms
电信 广西南宁 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 55ms
电信 福建泉州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 62ms
电信 河南郑州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 59ms
电信 宁夏中卫 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 66ms
电信 山西晋中 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 63ms
电信 西藏拉萨 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 87ms
电信 上海 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 35ms
电信 重庆 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 62ms
电信 山东青岛 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 62ms
电信 呼和浩特 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 59ms
电信 云南昆明 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 70ms
电信 青海西宁 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 64ms
电信 天津 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 55ms
电信 山西太原 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 65ms
电信 陕西西安 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 56ms
电信 辽宁大连 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 68ms
电信 重庆 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 67ms
电信 内蒙古 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 65ms
电信 黑龙江哈尔滨 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 76ms
电信 浙江宁波 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 48ms
电信 江苏镇江 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 41ms
电信 吉林长春 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 75ms
电信 安徽滁州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 44ms
电信 河南洛阳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 61ms
电信 河北石家庄 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 57ms
电信 新疆乌鲁木齐 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 95ms
电信 北京 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 53ms
电信 四川成都 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 65ms
电信 宁夏银川 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 66ms
电信 广东广州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 39ms
电信 江苏徐州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 48ms
电信 福建泉州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 47ms
电信 福建厦门 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 134ms
电信 甘肃兰州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 159ms
电信 广东广州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 52ms
电信 广东东莞 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 64ms
电信 广东珠海 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 65ms
电信 广东深圳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 41ms
电信 广东佛山 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 52ms
电信 江苏苏州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 43ms
电信 广东中山 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 39ms
电信 广东韶关 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 33ms
电信 广西梧州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 218ms
电信 广东肇庆 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 41ms
电信 贵州贵阳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 138ms
电信 浙江杭州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 113ms
电信 江西南昌 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC -1ms
联通 福建厦门 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 42ms
联通 安徽芜湖 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 54ms
联通 湖南长沙 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 51ms
联通 海南海口 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 45ms
联通 广西南宁 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 56ms
联通 贵州贵阳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 52ms
联通 山西晋中 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 65ms
联通 呼和浩特 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 63ms
联通 辽宁沈阳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 65ms
联通 哈尔滨 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 66ms
联通 吉林. 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 66ms
联通 浙江杭州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 37ms
联通 福建南平 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 53ms
联通 河南郑州. 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 88ms
联通 河北石家庄 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 87ms
联通 青海西宁 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 63ms
联通 江西南昌 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 34ms
联通 湖北武汉 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 38ms
联通 湖南益阳 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 38ms
联通 江苏徐州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 48ms
联通 内蒙古 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 54ms
联通 广西柳州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 55ms
联通 安徽芜湖 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 36ms
联通 广东潮州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 42ms
联通 福建福州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 48ms
联通 黑龙江佳木斯 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 67ms
联通 河北邯郸 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 77ms
联通 吉林长春 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 70ms
联通 宁夏银川 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 38ms
联通 海南海口 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 35ms
联通 内蒙古呼和浩特 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 38ms
联通 西藏拉萨 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 60ms
联通 安徽合肥 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 52ms
联通 黑龙江哈尔滨 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 20ms
联通 天津 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 34ms
联通 陕西西安 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 46ms
联通 四川成都 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 53ms
联通 重庆 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 64ms
联通 吉林长春 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 37ms
联通 山东潍坊 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 41ms
联通 江苏南京 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 49ms
联通 广东佛山 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 39ms
联通 河南鹤壁 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 40ms
联通 青海西宁 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 43ms
联通 广东河源 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 67ms
联通 湖南长沙 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 48ms
联通 新疆乌鲁木齐 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 39ms
联通 山西太原 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 39ms
联通 上海 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 61ms
联通 北京 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 193ms
联通 广西南宁 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 61ms
联通 广东佛山 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 214ms
联通 广东广州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 213ms
联通 甘肃兰州 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 53ms
联通 江西南昌 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC -1ms
联通 云南昆明 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC -1ms
海外 中国台湾 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 19ms
海外 中国香港 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 3ms
海外 中国香港 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 2ms
海外 台湾台北 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 21ms
海外 美国洛杉矶① 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 158ms
海外 新加坡 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 31ms
海外 美国西雅图 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 172ms
海外 日本东京 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 48ms
海外 美国阿什本 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 207ms
海外 美国洛杉矶 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 170ms
海外 新西兰 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 146ms
海外 澳大利亚悉尼 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 50ms
海外 美国弗吉尼亚阿什本 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 50ms
海外 加拿大多伦多 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 199ms
海外 越南胡志明 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 46ms
海外 美国加利福尼亚洛杉矶 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 56ms
海外 迪拜阿联酋 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 45ms
海外 英国伦敦 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 233ms
海外 艾奥瓦州波尔克县 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 72ms
海外 法兰西岛巴黎 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 38ms
海外 印度尼西亚 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 66ms
海外 印度孟买 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 37ms
海外 菲律宾马尼拉 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 62ms
海外 爱尔兰都柏林郡 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 34ms
海外 新加坡后港 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 20ms
海外 阿根廷 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 352ms
海外 新加坡裕华 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 41ms
海外 巴西圣保罗 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 340ms
海外 台湾台北市 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 52ms
海外 泰国曼谷 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 50ms
海外 德国法兰福克 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 64ms
海外 南非 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 349ms
海外 埃及开罗 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 223ms
海外 加拿大蒙特利尔 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 206ms
海外 瑞典斯德哥尔摩 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 138ms
海外 纽约水牛城 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 205ms
海外 韩国首尔 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 18ms
海外 英国伦敦 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 24ms
海外 菲律宾 38.*.*.93 中国香港/ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC 18ms